
The Measure class provides the core of the functionality for Safe Units. A Measure is a value associated with a unit (e.g. 5 meters, 10 seconds). A Measure may be given a symbol to indicate that it itself represents some unit. For example, 0.3048 meters is one foot and therefore might be given the symbol ft. Measures are immutable and any operation on a measure returns a new measure.

Note: The Measure class provides functionality for manipulating units with numeric values represented by the JavaScript number type. For different numeric types see Generic Measures.



Measure.of<U>(value: number, quantity: Measure<U>, symbol?: string): Measure<U>

Creates a measure that is a scalar multiple of a given measure. An optional symbol may be provided to name the resulting measure.


const d1 = Measure.of(30, meters);
const feet = Measure.of(0.3048, meters, "ft");
const d2 = Measure.of(10, feet);
const minutes = Measure.of(60, seconds, "min");


Measure.dimensionless(value: number): Measure<{}>

Creates a dimensionless measure value.


const scalar = Measure.dimensionless(2);
const distance = Measure.of(20, meters);
const doubled = distance.times(scalar); // 40 m


Measure.dimension<Dim extends string>(dim: Dim, symbol?: string): Measure<...>

Constructs a dimension of a unit system along with a base unit for that dimension. For more information see Defining Quantities.


Measure.isMeasure(value: any): value is Measure<any>

Since Measure isn't technically a class, you can't check that a value is a measure by using instanceof. Instead, use this method to determine if a given value is a Measure.


Measure.prefix(prefix: string, multiplier: number): PrefixFn

Creates a function which, when given a measure, applies a prefix to that measure's symbol and multiplies it by a given dimensionless value.


const kilo = Measure.prefix("k", 1000);
const kilometers = kilo(meters); // 1000 m

const distance = Measure.of(20, kilometers); // 20000 m // 20 km



Measure<U>.negate(): Measure<U>

Returns a new measure containing the negative value of the original.


const pos = Measure.of(30, meters);
const neg = pos.negate(); // -30 m


Measure<U>.plus(other: Measure<U>): Measure<U>
Measure.add<U>(left: Measure<U>, right: Measure<U>): Measure<U>
Measure.sum<U>(first: Measure<U>, Array<Measure<U>>): Measure<U>

Measures may only be added if they have the same unit. This will produce a new measure with the same unit. The Measure.add static function is an alias for The Measure.sum method must be given a list of one or more units, since we can't infer the unit for an empty list.


const d1 = Measure.of(30, meters);
const d2 = Measure.of(10, meters);
const d3 = Measure.of(100, feet);
const t1 = Measure.of(2, minutes);

const sum1 =; // 40 m
const sum2 = Measure.add(d1, d2); // 40 m
const sum3 = Measure.dim(d1, d2, d3); // 140m

const good =; // Fine because both are lengths
const bad =; // ERROR: Cannot add a distance to a time unit


Measure<U>.minus(other: Measure<U>): Measure<U>
Measure.subtract<U>(left: Measure<U>, right: Measure<U>): Measure<U>

Measures may only be subtracted if they have the same unit. This will produce a new measure with the same unit. All of these functions behave the same.

const d1 = Measure.of(30, meters);
const d2 = Measure.of(10, meters);
const t1 = Measure.of(2, minutes);

const diff1 = d1.minus(d2); // -20 m
const diff2 = Measure.subtract(d2, d1) // 20 m

const bad = t1.minus(d1); // ERROR: Cannot subtract a distance from a time unit


Measure<U>.times<V>(other: Measure<V>): Measure<MultiplyUnits<U, V>>
Measure.multiply<U, V>(left: Measure<U>, right: Measure<V>): Measure<MultiplyUnits<U, V>>

Multiplies two measures together and returns a new measure. The resulting unit is computed at compile time to be the result of multiplying the arguments' units together.

const mass = Measure.of(10, kilograms);
const acceleration = Measure.of(9.8, metersPerSecondsSquared);

// Works! The result of mass times acceleration is force
const force: Force = mass.times(acceleration); // 98 N

// ERROR: A force quantity cannot be assigned to a pressure quantity
const bad: Pressure = Measure.multiply(mass, acceleration);

Note: There are limitations on what measures you may multiply together. See Limitations.


Measure<U>.div<V>(other: Measure<V>): Measure<DivideUnits<U, V>>
Measure<U>.over<V>(other: Measure<V>): Measure<DivideUnits<U, V>>
Measure<U>.per<V>(other: Measure<V>): Measure<DivideUnits<U, V>>
Measure.divide<U, V>(left: Measure<U>, right: Measure<V>): Measure<DivideUnits<U, V>>

Divides two measures together and returns a new measure. The resulting unit is computed at compile time to be the result of dividing the arguments' units together. All of these functions behave the same and a provided to make writing readable units easier.

const distance = Measure.of(30, meters);
const time = Measure.of(10, seconds);

// Works! The result of distance over time is velocity
const velocity: Velocity = distance.over(time); // 300 m*s

// ERROR: A velocity quantity cannot be assigned to an acceleration quantity
const bad: Acceleration = Measure.divide(distance, time);

Note: There are limitations on what measures you may divide. See Limitations.

Scalar Multiplication

Measure<U>.scale(value: number): Measure<U>

A convenience method for multiplying a measure by a dimensionless value.

const t = Measure.of(10, seconds);
const doubledShort = t.scale(2); // 20 s
const doubledLong = t.times(Measure.dimensionless(2));


Measure<U>.toThe<E>(exponent: E): Measure<ExponentiateUnit<U, E>>
Measure.pow<U, E>(measure: Measure<U>, exponent: E): Measure<ExponentiateUnit<U, E>>

Measure<U>.squared(): Measure<ExponentiateUnit<U, "2">>
Measure<U>.cubed(): Measure<ExponentiateUnit<U, "3">>

The first two methods raise a measure's value and unit to a given exponent (within a limited range). The last two methods, squared and cubed, are convenience methods for measure.toThe("2") and measure.toThe("3") respectively.

Note that the exponents passed in are string literals and not numbers.


const side = Measure.of(10, meters);

const area: Area = side.squared(); // 100 m^2
const volume: Volume = side.cubed(); // 1000 m^3

const s: Length = volume.toThe("-3"); // 10 m

Note: There are limitations on what measures you may exponentiate. See Limitations.


Measure<U>.inverse(): Measure<ExponentiateUnit<U, "-1">>
Measure<U>.reciprocal(): Measure<ExponentiateUnit<U, "-1">>

Computes the reciprocal of the value and unit of the measure. Both methods are identical and equivalent to measure.toThe("-1").


const freq: Frequency = Measure.of(30, hertz); // 30 1/s

const cycle: Time = freq.inverse(); // 1/30 s

Static Math

The Measure class contains a number of static methods from the JavaScript Math object wrapped to work on measures. Many of these functions take in a single measure and return a single measure without changing its unit:

  • Measure.abs
  • Measure.ceil
  • Measure.floor
  • Measure.fround
  • Measure.round
  • Measure.trunc

There is also a wrapper for Math.hypot that takes in one or more measures all with the same unit and returns a single measure of that unit.


const distance = Measure.of(-9.8, meters);

Measure.abs(distance); // 9.8 m
Measure.trunc(distance); // -9 m

const width = Measure.of(3, meters);
const height = Measure.of(4, meters);

Measure.hypot(width, height); // 5 m


The Measure class also provides wrappers for the Math.sqrt and Math.cbrt functions. However, not all units have valid roots and these functions will result in compile time errors when given units that don't produce roots with integer exponents.

const area: Area = Measure.of(64, meters.squared());
const volume: Volume = Measure.of(125, meters.cubed());

Measure.sqrt(area); // 8 m
Measure.cbrt(volume); // 5 m

Measure.cbrt(area); // ERROR: Cannot take the cube root of a unit of the form m^2
Measure.sqrt(volume); // ERROR: Cannot take the square root of a unit of the form m^3


Measure<U>.lt(other: Measure<U>): boolean;
Measure<U>.lte(other: Measure<U>): boolean;
Measure<U>.eq(other: Measure<U>): boolean;
Measure<U>.neq(other: Measure<U>): boolean;
Measure<U>.gte(other: Measure<U>): boolean;
Measure<U>.gt(other: Measure<U>): boolean;

Measures are only comparable if they are of the same unit.


const t1 = Measure.of(30, minutes);
const t2 = Measure.of(0.25, hours);
const d1 = Measure.of(10, meters);; // true
t1.eq(d1) // ERROR: Cannot compare temporal and distance values


Measure<U>.withSymbol(symbol: string): Measure<U>;

Duplicates the current measure and gives the new measure a symbol. Symbols are specific to an instance of a measure, performing operations on that measure will not forward along any symbols to the resulting measures. Calling m.withSymbol(s) is equivalent to calling Measure.of(1, m, s). The symbol of a measure can be seen by accessing the readonly symbol field.

const squareMeters = meters.squared().withSymbol("sq. m");

squareMeters.symbol; // "sq. m"

// All of the following lose the symbol from squareMeters:
const r1 = squareMeters.scale(2);
const r2 = Measure.of(10, squareMeters);
const r3 = Measure.divide(squareMeters, meters);

Symbols are used in converting other measures into strings as can be seen below.


Measure<U>.toString(formatter?: MeasureFormatter): string;
Measure<U>.in(unit: Measure<U>, formatter?: MeasureFormatter): string;

The first method, toString, creates a string version of the unit, ignoring any symbol information on that measure. The second method, in, will format a given unit as if it is given in units of the second measure, assuming the second measure has a symbol. If not, this is equivalent to calling toString().

Both methods may optionally be passed a formatter which has the following interface:

interface MeasureFormatter {
    formatValue?: (value: number) => string;
    formatUnit?: (unit: UnitWithSymbols) => string;

The formatValue function, if provided, will be applied to customize the formatting of the numeric value of the measure in the resulting string. The formatUnit, if provided, will be passed the unit of the measure in order to customize how that is formatted. When calling the method, the formatUnit function will only be used if the unit being used to express the measure has no symbol.


const kilometers = Measure.of(1000, meters, "km");
// Could also be written as: Measure.of(1000, meters).withSymbol("km")

const distance = Measure.of(5, kilometers);
console.log(distance.toString()); // 5000 m
console.log(; // 5 km
console.log(; // 1 km
   formatValue: x => x.toExponential(),
   formatUnit: () => "meters",
})); // 5e+3 meters

const force = Measure.of(30, newtons);
console.log(force.toString()); // 30 kg * m * s^-2
console.log(; // 30 N
console.log(, {
   formatValue: x => x.toPrecision(5),
})); // 30.000 N

Unsafe Mappings

Measure<U>.unsafeMap(valueMap: (value: number) => number): Measure<U>;
   valueMap: (value: number) => number,
   unitMap: (unit: UnitWithSymbols<U>) => UnitWithSymbols<V>,
): Measure<V>;

If only one argument is passed, performs a mapping on the value of a measure without affecting the unit of the measure. If both arguments are passed maps both the unit and value of a measure. This is generally used for internal purposes and should be avoided whenever possible. Instead consider using a function wrapper.


A Measure represents a value in terms its most basic units. For example, consider we build up a unit system for currency as follows:

const dollars = Measure.dimension("currency", "$");
const Currency = dollars;
type Currency = typeof dollars;

const CashFlowRate = Currency.over(Time);
type CashFlowRate = typeof CashFlowRate;

const pounds: Currency = Measure.of(1.31, dollars, "£");

Then when deriving values from pounds, the underlying values are still represented as dollars:

const profit: Currency = Measure.of(60, pounds); // 78.6 dollars
const elapsed: Time = Measure.of(1, minutes);    // 60 seconds
const rate: CashFlowRate = profit.per(elapsed);  // 1.31 dollars / second

In this way, we never actually have to perform unit conversions since, under the hood, all measures with the same dimension are always represented with the same units. We can format these values using any unit we want with the in method:

const poundsPerSecond: CashFlowRate = pounds.per(seconds).withSymbol("£/s");; // 60 £; // 1 min; // 1 £/s

Function Wrappers

It is often desirable to convert operations on numbers into operations on measures. Frequently, these functions make no change on the unit of a value. For example, suppose we want to make an absolute value function that operates on measures. We'd expect the function perserve the unit of the input. We can simply wrap an existing absolute value function using wrapUnaryFn:

const measureAbs = wrapUnaryFn(Math.abs);
const time = Measure.of(-30, seconds);
measureAbs(time); // 30 s

The following function wrappers are provided:

  • wrapUnaryFn - Wraps a function of a single number.
  • wrapBinaryFn - Wraps a function of two numbers, returning a function that expects two measures of the same unit.
  • wrapSpreadFn - Wraps a function that takes any number of numbers and returns a function that takes one or more measures of the same unit.
  • wrapRootFn - Wraps a function that takes the nth root of a given number for a specific n and returns a function that takes nth root of a measure's value and unit.
Safe Units is developed by Jonah Scheinerman. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Safe Units is distributed under the MIT open source license.

Copyright © 2020 by Jonah Scheinerman